Week 9
Topic 1: Music's influence A time when I was younger I was listening to the popular music that everyone liked in middle school and it was saying things that I didn't really understand so I didn't think there was a problem until I got in trouble by my parents for listening to it. They asked me where I got this music from and how. I was really upset because I didn't understand why it was such a big deal at the time. I didn't think that my friends were listening to anything bad. I love music so much and its really hard to ask me, my favorite artists and bands, because I have such a wide variety. I love Post Malone, Russ, Yg, Chris Brown, and Rihanna. Topic 2: Campus Radio I think it would be cool for LBCC to start a radio station. I think it'd give a voice to LBCC and people to explore in the music industry and it would give people a good opportunity. I think it would be hard with all the competition with how many popular radio stations there are. I think people...