Week 5
Topic 1: After watching the documentary "RiP! A Remix Manifesto" I found that as much as we think we have the freedom to express we actually are limited. In the video, it states the music industry music producers and songwriters copyright their beats and symphonies. I'm not a singer or songwriter yet I could see how frustrating it could be for an upcoming artist to not be able to use a beat or lyric idea from the 1980s, even though they might be able to better their work. I don't know a lot about copyright, yet it confuses me because we are supposed to have freedom of speech and expression although most great ideas are copyrighted and cannot be used by other individuals. An instance that comes to mind is when the president of the United States Donald Trump used the phrase ”grab her by the pussy.” He used freedom of speech and political power to freely discriminate women with knowing there will be no consequences. He uses a social platform and there should be repercus...
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