Week 2

Topic 1: In this weeks forum it asked to name 3 people/organizations/businesses. The first one I chose was on Twitter and was @realDonaldTrump because he is our president and I think I should be aware of any political changes. Even though Twitter isn't the most reliable source it is one something that I get my information from. It's easier for me to access due to the popularity of this social platform. The second one I chose was @KevinHart4real because he never fails to make me laugh and cheer me up on days that don't seem so cheerful. It's awesome to see that somebody that does what he loves so much can be so successful and be a great voice for adolescence. It sets the stage for young children to follow their dream in life. Thirdly I chose to follow @Nike because they have been a huge part of my athletic career. They have been my favorite clothing brand and I like to keep up with their attire. The best tweet that I have seen lately is the tweet "I hate losing more than I like winning." I can connect to this on an emotional level, especially in volleyball. Social media can be a platform to express many opinions. Some use it in positive to empower and some use it in negative. For example, people use "black lives matter" and "feminism" to bring awareness and get their voices heard. All in all, there are many ways social media could promote and help people get their voices heard for any reason.
Topic 2: I found Turkles Tedtalk to be very accurate and interesting.  She talked about how teens will hide in their phones and device to hide and avoid emotions from the real world. I tend to do this myself sometimes. She talked about how people would rather text than have a conversation. We do this because we can edit/take back/ control everything you say. Within real life what you say is what you say and you cant edit or take back your words. My family has never had device free areas growing up yet there were certain times and places it seemed not right. I will go out to eat with my family and look up and see everyone on their devices and not interact with each other just like what Turkle said in her Ted talk. Over the course of many different iPhones, I've gone through phases and have jumped game to game by whats popular in that moment. Recently I have been playing Fortnite mobile. This is because first its addicting and second the influences around me, such as my friends. As a young adult, I probably spend way to much time on social media and gaming a week. Its very time consuming and a hard habit to break. I like seeing whats going on in other peoples lives and staying connected to my close friends and family. When I have free time I see most people watching tv series and I think that I'd rather spend my time checking up on my friends and family. I don't necessarily feel apart of a community, I feel included in what is going on in life.


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