Media Blog project

Topic #2: Television Show -"13 Reasons Why"
Describe: The Tv show that I picked was 13 Reasons Why. I finished the second season that just came out on May 18th. I finished this season and the last time I watched was June 14th. This is a young adult fiction which typically targets 12-18 years of age. This surprises me due to how vivid and real the stuff they put on screen, which includes suicide, rape, deaths and much more. It does state that half that watch are all adults. I chose to go back and watch another episode to really pay attention and dissect their actions. I rewatched episode 11 of season 2. In this series, a girl committed suicide for numerous reasons, specifically 13. After she passed away she let out 13 tapes of the reasons why and gave it to people to pass it down the line of the people who were on the tapes. Which started complete chaos and months have gone by and still nothing has yet to return to normal. In the current episode that I am now on, they are going to court to sue the school for letting bullying go on in school and staff doing nothing about it. All the kids who were bullies of Hannah are getting a chance to speak on the stand for themselves and what happened. In this particular episode that I am on a boy named Bryce Walker is being interrogated because he was the boy who raped Hannah on the tapes. One of the main actors Clay Jensen, who was in love with Hannah and shared a close bond with her is listening in court to all the lies, just like another girl named Jess who was also a victim of Bryce. The research that I accumulated about this show interested me. First, the main actor Hannah Baker, the girl who committed suicide has an Australian accent in real life and has to form an American one for the show. The website cited is a video from the actual series of Hannah and Clay dancing when Hannah impersonates Barry Fife using Australian accent so she was actually speaking naturally in the clip. In the second article that I cited is why experts think that this series could be dangerous to our youth. It states "according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and others, the risk of additional suicides increases when a story explicitly describes the suicide method." This show shows very graphically and realistic images/clips of what it is like to be in their shoes, this could trigger or give ideas and this could potentially become dangerous to the viewers. In season two they realized many people this could be affecting and they put out a warning that not all viewers should watch. They played a video of all their actors informing the audience to seek help and this show isn't for everybody. If you do need help to visit ""  for it. I think it was right for them to do this because this show shouldn't be for people who are struggling with the same issues because it may intensify them.

Analyze: In the film, the actors are dressed as typical high school students as well as the setting of the school. There are the typical stereotypes that might even be over exaggerated, such as jocks, nerds, emos, outcasts. They use slang and talk to each other like the average high school student and have the same humor. They emphasize the harsh realities of what others have gone through to make them feel how much hurt they are going through. This gets the audience to be more pulled in because they can actually understand. This tv show was filmed and edited through the perspective of the teens. It does a good job of showing the perspective of what they are/went through. This show can relate to other shows because it's just the typical high school culture and atmosphere. Another series that I recently watched is "The Vampire Diaries" and in their high school environment is the same stereotypical people. There are so many movies and shows that over exaggerate how kids act or how it is in high school and all seem to relate. I think this series is unique because it shows the actual suicide and how bullying can do that. I've never seen any other high school show portray stuff like that. 

Interpret: In the show, Bryce Walker is stereotyped as a bully because he is popular and a well-known jock. He is presented as the typical jock being the star athlete of their school and always getting what he wants. He acts arrogant and acts as if everybody owes him something. His friends are scared to lose him due to feeling or being an outcast if they left his group no one would like them. One of the main character Clay is this innocent nerd, who excels in school and a hard rule follower. Overtime going through all the tragedies in this show the changes and from his experiences he himself isn't as innocent as he was. I think this show targets 12-18 kids, I think it targets both genders but it may have more of a toll on women than men because of the suicide rates. If I were visiting another country and watched this show I would think that America and our youth is scary. The things that happen and go on to kids can be terrifying because adults can be so blind sometimes or think kids are over exaggerating. All in all, I would think the culture would be something that I wouldn't want to place my kids in.

Evaluate: The strengths are it does a good job reflecting on America and high school today. It does a good job of emotionally connecting its target audience with relating to the same struggles that they may be going through. Its weaknesses consist of not showing enough high points in high school, it shows most of everything bad. This might make young kids dread to go because it gives high school a bad image. I like this show because I think it can shine a light on being kind to people because you can see what it can do. It shows that the little things matter and you do impact peoples lives with the words that you say. I don't like the vivid clips of some of the things they show. I think it could set triggers for people who may be going through this stuff in real life. I would talk to my friends about it because we would all be shaken by the crazy things that would happen next. A critic review Maureen Ryan says "The lows are low, but the highs are very high, and truly affecting." This does a good job of explaining my overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the show. 

Engage: I heard about this show from my mom, she knows I enjoy watching high school dramas and recommended it to me. I started the first season a few episodes late so I binge-watched the first few until I caught up. From there I haven't fell behind on an episode. I do not follow the show on social media but once this show came out it blew up. Everyone was talking about it and how good it was which I'm sure it helped their viewer's rise. 

Conclusion: I learned that there is a lot of factors that come into play when doing research on these tv shows. The commercials, audience, the way actors portray themselves play a big role. It surprised me the number of bad reviews about how it can impact peoples lives negatively. 


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